People seldom get through life without having to deal with some sort of serious personal problem. An Employee Assistance Program can give your employees a way to cope with personal issues that can have a negative impact on their job performance, such as work-related stress or problems outside of the workplace. Pace National experienced psychologists support employees to work through sensitive issues in complete confidence without worrying about their job status or career. Employers are rewarded by less absenteeism and reduced risks of workplace injury.
Pace National will develop a tailored Employee Assistance Programs according to the needs of the organisation, incorporating what works for the business and staff. Depending on the business needs counselling can be just for staff or can include their immediate family, any number of sessions can be provided each year (although we recommend up to 4), support can be within work hours or outside of hours and can be 24/7 or not, counselling can be office based or site based as well as offer managers an option for support. Timely and useful reporting is essential in order to ensure that EAP has input into ongoing business strategy at a macro level. This is where the value in terms of the EAP business case resides.