Meet our Managing Director

Stuart Reidy-Crofts

Managing Director

MBA (HR Major), Grad Dip (Organisational Psychology), Graduate – Australian Institute of Company Directors, Registered Psychologist

Stuart’s career has encompassed operational, senior management and board roles within a range of sectors, both private and public and he has operated within the Occupational Health and Human Resources Sector for over 30 years. As a Director, Stuart has overseen the delivery of services at a State and National level within the employment services, injury management and psychological services sectors. As a consultant, Stuart is highly experienced in the delivery of workplace rehabilitation case management, support and vocational counselling, and organisational consulting.

Stuart has a MBA with a major in HR, and has been a Registered Psychologist since 1989. Stuart has a breadth of skills and knowledge across all sectors and particular expertise in psychological and vocational assessment, injury management, training and development, counselling, mediation, team building and coaching.

He also has hands on experience in human resource strategy and corporate services and has a strong track record of assisting organisations to develop and implement injury management strategies, policies and procedures that positively impact workers’ compensation costs and improve organisational culture. Working to achieve sustainable and quantifiable gains in workers’ compensation claims costs through strategic planning is one of Stuart’s particular interests.

In 2019, Stuart received the Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association (ARPA) WA President’s Award in recognition of “outstanding dedication, contribution and commitment of the workplace rehabilitation industry”.