When an individual experiences change, it has the potential to impact both psychologically and socially. Different people’s responses and abilities to cope with such events can also vary signifigantly. Adjustment to change often involves the acceptance of change as normal and necessary to achieve a better outcome. Those with disability experience change in many aspects of their life and often understanding that change is normal and positive can assist in alleviating many of the concerns. We rarely experience change in isolation and supporting a person with disability’s family and support networks to accept and adjust to change can be equally as valuable.
Support and Adjustment counselling provided by skilled and experienced psychologists is a beneficial service which an organisation can offer its clients and/or their family members when embarking on any change initiative. Support can also be extended to staff depending on the scope of the change.
Pace National’s Psychologists can assist organisations to plan, implement and monitor the change initiative through:
- stakeholder consultation
- debriefing sessions
- mediation
- counselling
Effective management of change initiatives benefits everyone involved. The organisation benefits through increased effectiveness and efficiency. Staff benefit through clarity and the trust gained through collaboration. Clients benefit through gaining responsibility and having a voice throughout the process.