WorkCover WA introduces Covid 19 amendments to legislation

WorkCover WA has introduced legislative changes with respect to Covid 19 as of 12 October 2020. The Amendments to the Act and associated regulations address a number of priority issues relating to the Covid 19 pandemic. These include: Establish a presumption of work-related injury for COVID-19 contracted by health care workers Discontinue the common law […]

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What is a Suitable Duties Register?

A Suitable Duties Register is an early intervention tool that documents individual job tasks within a role to assist with return to work programs following a workplace injury. The register will document the physical demands of each job task to enable full understanding of the injured workers role and subsequently create a suitable Return to […]

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What it is like to see a Psychologist?

It might be confronting to think about sitting in a room with a stranger, sharing your thoughts and feelings. You might think that the person sitting across from you is reading your mind or interpreting your body language to form an opinion about you.  Fortunately, that is not the case! A therapeutic relationship can be […]

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Workers – What is an Approved Workplace Rehabilitation Provider?

Approved Workplace Rehabilitation Providers, such as Pace National, have the qualifications, experience and expertise to maintain injured workers at work, or return them to work following an injury. The costs of their services are covered within your workers’ compensation claim.     Notebook name Entire Document Selected Pages Name Description Update existing Save new Do […]

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Employers – What is an injury management system?

Injury management is “the management of workers’ injuries in a manner that is directed at enabling injured workers to return to work” (Section 5 of the legislation). It is the responsibility of employers and injured workers to cooperate in this process, where it is medically supported. An injury management system describes the steps you need […]

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